Monday, June 25, 2012

Change IS good!

It is a GREAT feeling when you begin to feel and see the changes in your body!  It's confirmation that your hard work is paying off.  When progress seems slow, try to think back to some of the things you were unable to do when you first started working out.  Then think about what you can do NOW that you couldn't 2 weeks ago.  I keep a journal of my workouts and I make sure to note what made me sore or what was difficult for me JUST so I can look back later and see my progress.  I use an iPhone app BodyBook  Fitness so I can make notes while I'm working out and after very easily.  The app is $3.99 and I love it! I use it at every day but pen and paper are always free :)  Whatever you use, look back at it frequently to see how far you've come.

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