Monday, April 30, 2012

One Pound A Week

A pound of fat is roughly 3500 calories. In order to lose this one  pound of fat, you will need to burn 3500 calories  a week which is 500 calories each day.  The easiest way to to do this is to eat 250 less calories a day and burn 250 calories a day through exercise .

Here is a 45 calorie burning workout you can do in the house - no equipment needed! Do this circuit 6 times to burn 270 calories.  Add or replace exercises that best suit you.

  • One minute walking up and down the stairs: 8 calories burned
  • One minute strength training (30 seconds push-ups, 30 seconds crunches): 5 calories burned
  • One minute jumping rope: 11 calories burned
  • One minute skipping around your house: 10 calories burned
  • One minute fast-paced jumping jacks: 8 calories burned

You can also do:
  • A brisk walk for 1 hour and 15 minutes
  • 30 minute bicycle ride
  • A run at 10 minutes/mile for 30 minutes
  • Swim laps for 30 minutes
  • 30 minute cardio class 
Whatever exercise program you choose make sure it's one that you enjoy and can see yourself doing on a long term basis.  Let me know how you plan on losing a pound a week!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Work Out Your Stress!

Stress is a part of our everyday lives but how we manage it can make the difference in how we feel and our overall health.   Exercise is a simple yet very affective way to manage our stress.  This doesn't mean you have to join an expensive health club or look for a structured work out program but just get out and start moving!  You will feel a difference in your mood (and body :) immediately!  The picture above lists some benefits of exercise when dealing with stress and some exercise ideas - but there are PLENTY more!  Let me know what you do when feeling stressed!

Friday, April 27, 2012

You are STRONG!

You are strong even if you have setbacks! Stay focused on your goals and you will obtain them!  You can do it!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Today's Oatmeal!

Blueberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries are great sources for Vitamin C, Fiber, Anti-oxidants, Folate and Potassium.  We are coming up on berry season so please support your local Farmer's Market!

The Truth about DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

The worst thing about starting - or changing- a workout routine is the muscles soreness - OUCH!  I would like to take a few minutes to explain why the muscles get sore and give some suggestions on how to relieve some of the soreness. Unfortunately, minor muscle aches are part of being and staying fit and I hope this information helps you to understand that this pain is temporary and this discomfort doesn't discourage you from continuing to work out.

The muscle soreness sets in 24 to 48 hours after the workout ends.  This is called Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS.  DOMS is caused by tiny tears that occur in the muscle as a result of intense or new exercises.  After the workout, the muscle starts to rebuild (it is important to drink plenty of water and get the proper nutrients during this time).  The rebuilding process creates bigger and stronger muscle.  Note: Muscles grow when you are resting NOT while you are working out.

Beginners may have a sever case of DOMS but rest assured the body will adjust quickly.  This adaptation is the reason why people who work out frequently need to change their routine or "confuse" their muscles every few weeks in order to continue to promote the muscle building.  DOMS is a sign that your workout was productive in building muscle but EVERY workout does not and should not leave you sore.  Being constantly sore could be a sign that you are OVER training and could lead to serious injury.

Now that we know why we are sore, let's talk about how to get some relief.

R.I.C.E. (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevate) - This method is generally used for muscle injuries but has been found to also help relieve severe soreness. If elevation, compression, and icing are not possible REST is the best option.  Ice baths are also an option but they are shocking and take some time to get used to - trust me!

Active Recovery and Stretching - These are great ways to ease the discomfort and inflammation of DOMS.  Stretch immediately after a hard workout and the days after.  Light aerobics will also help to ease the pain and get you ready for you next workout.

Massage - This is the best relief for muscle soreness but it can be inconvenient and expensive.  If you are able to get a massage, I would suggest getting a "Deep Tissue" or "Sports" massage.  These massages are great for the big muscles of the back, butt and thighs.  Also, Deep Tissue massages usually include active stretching which not only feels great on sore muscles, but also helps to improve flexibility.

These are the 3 methods that have worked for me but there are countless other remedies such as, stretching in a hot shower, 20 minutes in a jacuzzi, and taking anti-inflammatories like Advil or Aleve.  The Anti- inflammatories are a go to for me ONLY if I am severely sore and have a stacked client schedule because the relief is almost immediate though temporary.

Hopefully, you will have plenty of opportunities to experiment with different relief techniques.  In the end, know that your soreness is proof of the hard work you are putting in and the body changes to come :)

How often are you sore?  What do you do for relief?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

20 Minute Cardio Program

The above 20 Minute Cardio Program is a great way to get started on a fitness track or add some cardio to your existing regimen.  Try it out and let me know how it works for you!

Today's Oatmeal!

Peaches are a great source of potassium, fiber, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
Blueberries are high in anti-oxidants, vitamin C and fiber.

Add these two fruits with the benefits of oatmeal and you have yourself a nutritious and great tasting breakfast.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Progress, Not Perfection

"Strive for progress and not perfection" - Unknown

Sometimes we get so caught up trying to be perfect that we don't let ourselves acknowledge how far we have come. You are DOING IT! be proud of all you have accomplished and keep moving forward!!

Planks Anyone?

Recently planking has become very popular and when done correctly could strengthen your upper abs, lower abs, and your obliques (ab muscles along the sides of your stomach).  Planking can also improve your posture and prevent back injuries. 

Form is very important when doing this exercise so please follow these steps:

  • Lie face down on a mat balancing on your toes and forearms (pictured above) making sure your elbows are directly under your shoulder
  • Keep your back flat and your body straight from head to ears (if you can see your toes, your head is too low) 
  • Try to pull your belly button to your spine. This will keep your abs contracted so your body won't sag in the middle.  This is especially important as you get tired.
  • Don't forget to breath! Try to take deep and even breaths. 
  • Don't be alarmed if you start to shake, it just means this exercise is new to these muscles and they are straining :)

If you are a beginner, hold this position for 30 seconds 3 times with a 15 second break in between. If you are more experienced, hold this position for 30 seconds 5 times with a 10 second break in between.

Once you are able to do the above exercise with little or no difficulty, add some variation to your plank. My favorite is the Leg Lift Plank:

  • While you are in plank position lift one straight leg in the air 3 to 5 inches. 
  • Hold for 5 seconds then switch legs

This can also be done with the arms and to really make it difficult, raise the opposite arm and leg and hold that position for 5 seconds then alternate.

Try to do some planking three times a week and you'll be on your way to a stronger core! Check back for more core strengthening exercises :)

Happy Planking! 

Monday, April 23, 2012

Is Oatmeal a Superfood?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and what you eat can effect your mood and energy level for the entire day. Nutritious AND satisfying go hand in hand when it comes to a successful breakfast.  Unfortunately, most people don't have time to prepare breakfast and find themselves stopping at a fast food place where there are very few healthy options.  That's where oatmeal comes into play.  Not only is oatmeal quick and easy to prepare but also cost effective AND nutritious!  Pretty super right?

Oatmeal is an excellent source of fiber.  One serving is almost 20% of the recommended daily value of 25 grams per day.  There are 2 kinds of fiber in oatmeal - soluble and insoluble.  Soluble fiber helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.  Insoluble fiber helps the digestive track work properly.

Oats are also a great source for antioxidants called avenanthramides.  These antioxidants prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol.  Cholesterol oxidation can lead to plaque formation in the arteries and increasing the risk of heart disease.  The avenanthramides in oatmeal disrupt this process.

Oats are also a great source of beta-glucans which may boost immunity.  Beta-glucans have shown the ability to reduce the risk of infections as well as fight off disease causing bacteria and viruses.  This means oatmeal is also the perfect breakfast during flu season.

The high fiber content of oatmeal makes it satisfying and filling - exactly what we need to get our day started and keep us away form unhealthy choices due to hunger.  The beta-glucans also help to stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels so the urge for sweet snacks is minimized.

Oats are cost effective (around fifty cents per pound) and can be cooked in minutes.  To get the most of your oatmeal breakfast, it's best to avoid the prepackaged oatmeal as it's higher in sugar and costs more.  In this case, old fashioned is the way to go.  Check back throughout the week for delicious and healthy ways to enjoy your oatmeal.  The picture shown has half a diced apple, two chopped dates, 10 chopped almonds, and a sprinkle of cinnamon.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Please share your fitness goals for this week!

Setting realistic goals is key to making any kind of lifestyle change. We tend to set lofty goals for ourselves when we realize that a change is necessary in our lives.  Setting unrealistic goals is a recipe for failure.  Increase your chances of success by setting smaller more realistic goals.  Accomplishing these small goals from week to week is a good way to make healthy habits.

This week I'm working on getting at least 4 days of cardio in, eating 3 servings of green leafy vegetables and getting 7 hours of sleep a night.  The sleep will be the hardest part for me - lol! Let me know what you're working on this week so we can support each other!

Climb into shape!

Do you want to jump start your workout regimen? Take the stairs! No really...take the stairs.

There is a good reason why gyms are full of stair climber machines.  Steps offer a great cardio and strength training work out and you know the best part? Most of us have them right in our own homes! The following are a few exercises that can be done using steps to tone your thighs and butt as well as "step up" your cardio.

1. Stair Climb

Climb up the stairs, skipping every other step.  Make sure your whole foot is on the step and push through your heel to get the booty involved.  Keep your head up and try not to look at your feet.

2. Stair Bound

Run up the stairs, skipping every other step - this time stay on the balls of your feet (not letting the heel touch the step) and push up to the next step.  You should feel your calves working.

3. Stair Jump

Jump up each step with both feet and landing as softly as possible.  Keep your stomach tight (without holding your breath) as the core plays a big role in getting both feet off the ground.  Please hold onto the railing until you get comfortable with your footing.

4. Stair Wind-Up

Stand sideways to the staircase and step up one foot at a time crossing the lower foot over the higher foot as you step up.  Make sure your whole foot is on the step and push through the sole of your foot to take the next step.  Look at your feet to avoid getting tripped up.  To make this exercise harder, try running instead of stepping.

As you get stronger and more comfortable, try doing these exercises faster and longer (more reps) and to step it up even more, hold weights in your hands to add more resistance.

Try these exercises out and let me know how they work for you.  Happy Climbing!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Water makes it all better!

Quick Benefits of Drinking Water:

  • Weight Loss - Water is a natural appetite suppressant and boosts metabolism
  • Healthier Skin - Skin appears younger when properly hydrated
  • Helps Digestion - Water helps to break down food so nutrients can be absorbed into the body
  • Better Exercise - Water helps to moderate body temperature so you can work out longer 
  • Less Cramps/Sprains - Water keeps the muscles and joints hydrated so injury is less likely
  • More Energy - Water keeps the heart from working hard to pump oxygenated blood 
  • Better Mood - The body feels good so you feel good 

Breakfast: The Worst Kept Dieting Secret

We all know that breakfast is the most important meal right? So why is it still skipped by most? 

Eating breakfast can deter diet disasters later in the day (the 11am visit to the vending machine...) and also avoid the lunch time energy crash which leads to eating more junk or soda -ugh!! Avoid this by simply eating breakfast!! Breakfast doesn't have to be elaborate, you are simply "breaking the fast" BUT adding high fiber foods and a protein (egg whites, turkey fish or other lean fish) will guarantee you sustainable energy through lunch and clear thinking to make better lunch time choices :)

My clients are participating in a Breakfast Challenge. They are using a food journal to write down what they eat for breakfast (or if they skip) and how they feel for the rest of the day. At the end of the month we will go over it and see what works or doesn't work. My hope is after a month of journaling, eating breakfast will become a habit! Try it and let me know how it goes :)