Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Want Abs Like Ennis!

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For the past few weeks I have been on a mission to get abs like an Olympic sprinter! I saw those women running in their sports bras and thought...I WANT THAT STOMACH! So since then I have been doing some serious core work 3 days a week and increased my cardio (running between 3 and 3.5 miles 6 days a week).  This may sound extreme to some but when I'm focused...I'm focused and I WANT THAT STOMACH!!  So here is my core program for the next 2 weeks.  As you will see,  these exercises not only work the core but the chest, back, and arms. I'm using a 20lb kettle bell but use the weight (or no weight at all) that is most comfortable for you but still challenging.  Let me know how these exercises work for you :)

3 sets of 25 reps

Needle and Thread
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Start with your arms over your head and legs straight out,  2 inches off of the ground. Pull the knees towards the head and through the arms while crunching forward and pushing weight towards feet. Straighten your legs keeping them off of the ground  and tapping the weight over your head and start the move over again.  

Rocking Chair Press

Start by sitting with your knees raised.  Lean back about 45 degrees and lift feet off of the ground and cross them.  Hold weight on your chest and press the weight over your head and bring back down to the chest - this is one rep.  Make sure to keep your stomach tight to keep your balance and legs from straightening out. 

Rocking Chair Twist
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Start by sitting with your knees raised.  Lean back about 45 degrees and lift feet off of the ground and cross them.  Hold the weight and twist your body side to side and tap the weight on the ground on each side of your body.   Make sure your head follows the weight and keep your stomach tight to help keep your balance and your legs from moving. NOTE: You should feel this on the sides and lower part of your stomach.  If you don't, make sure you are leaning back, he weight taps the ground (do not set the weight down) and your head turns with you.

Side Plank Weight Scoop

Start in a side plank making sure your elbow is under your shoulder.  Hold the weight in your bent arm and scoop the weight around your  body and under your arm.  Lift weight to return to the start position. 

**Pictures were taken at Tention Championship Karate at 652 E. Fordham Rd., Bronx, NY 10458

**Photographer: Tamia Bradley 

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good Morning!

Don't miss the opportunity to see what your body and mind are capable of....Let's GO!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Be Consistent!

CONSISTENCY is the most important tool in ANY fitness goal.  There will be days that you just don't feel like it but PUSH YOURSELF! It will pay off in the end.  There WILL be a time when it's not so hard...I promise :)


FIT Momma

Good Morning!

Good Morning! Let today be the day that YOU decide to make a difference that will change the rest of your life -  getting Healthy!  Go ahead....take that first step. You can do it!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Change IS good!

It is a GREAT feeling when you begin to feel and see the changes in your body!  It's confirmation that your hard work is paying off.  When progress seems slow, try to think back to some of the things you were unable to do when you first started working out.  Then think about what you can do NOW that you couldn't 2 weeks ago.  I keep a journal of my workouts and I make sure to note what made me sore or what was difficult for me JUST so I can look back later and see my progress.  I use an iPhone app BodyBook  Fitness so I can make notes while I'm working out and after very easily.  The app is $3.99 and I love it! I use it at every day but pen and paper are always free :)  Whatever you use, look back at it frequently to see how far you've come.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Operation: Beach Body Week #4

Week #4! If you've been doing these workouts every day, this week I would like to add a "rest day" as well as 2 new exercises.  A "rest day" is crucial to facilitate muscle repair and strengthening. While working out you are breaking down the muscle.  The muscle doesn't start to rebuild until you are resting.  Rest days will allow you to be more productive during your workout sessions. So this week you can dee all 8 exercises every day EXCEPT one which will be your rest day.

The 2 new exercises for this week will be targeting  the arms - triceps dips (triceps or muscle in the back of the top of the arm), and wall push ups (biceps or front of the tope of the arm) .  These exercises, like the rest can be done at home without any equipment.  You will need a chair or coffee table for the triceps dips.

Read below for a step by step description for both exercises.

2 Sets of 10 Tricep Dips
2 Sets of 10 Wall Push Ups

Tricep Dips


  • Sit on the edge of the chair with hands flat on the chair next to your hips
  • Lift up onto your hands (lifting butt off of the chair) and bring your hips forward - making sure your knees are slightly bent and your heels are on the floor 
  • Bend your elbows (not more than 90 degrees) and lower the hips down keeping them close to the chair
  • (make sure to keep your shoulders down)
  • Push back up without locking your elbows 

**For Experienced Tricep Dippers - keep your legs straight with heels on the floor 


Wall Push Ups


  • Start by standing facing an empty wall with feet shoulder width apart  and arms extended straight out in front of you
  • Lean slightly forward and place your palms on the wall
  • Bend your elbows until your nose nearly touches the wall
  • Push back out to your starting position


**For Experienced Push Uppers: Cross one leg behind the other then put your hands on the wall to push up.

Let me know how the "rest day" and exercises work for you this week!


*all pictures were found on google

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Strawberries are Good to Eat and Good for You!

This weekend my Mother-In-Law and I took my children strawberry picking.  We got plenty of sun and quite a work out (walking, bending, squatting) while searching and picking beautifully ripe and sweet strawberries.  I loved hearing my children talk about all of the things that they wanted to make with the berry's we picked. Every idea sounded more delicious then the next and I just mentally ticked off all of the health benefits that strawberries have to offer.  A definite win-win for a Momma!!

Here are 8 reasons why strawberries are not only good to eat but good for you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Operation: Beach Body Week #3

Here we are at week #3 and we are adding 2 more exercises to our workout!  This weeks exercises are considered comprehensive because they work more than one muscle group at a time.

Plank Jacks work your core and legs and Burpees work your arms, shoulders, core, legs and glutes (the whole body).  I hope by this time your body is getting used to being worked but these two exercises will probably leave you sore especially if this is your first experience doing them.

Read below for a step by step description for both exercises.

2 Sets of 10 Plank Jacks
10 Burpees

Plank Jacks


  • Start in a modified plank position (lift body up with only forearms and toes on the ground) making sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders
  • Bounce your legs open  so that that make an inverted "V" making sure you butt stays level with your back and your head is looking at the ground with out your head hanging
  • Bounce your legs closed


**For experienced Plank Jackers: Start in full plank position with hands on the grounds instead of your forearms




  • Start in a standing position with feet together
  • Squat down until your hands are on the floor 
  • Kick your legs out straight behind you (you'll be in full plank position) make sure to keep you butt level with your back and your head straight (not drooping)
  • Pull your legs in then jump with your hands straight over your head making sure you jump from the squatted position 


**For those experienced Burpee Practitioners: Do a push up while legs are kicked back behind you


This week's exercises are the most challenging so far.  Each day try to do the full set but if you aren't able to the whole set do what you can and the next day try to do one more than you did the day before!  

I look forward to hearing about your progress throughout the week!

**All pictures found on Google

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get Out and Get Active!

Outdoor workouts burn more calories and boost your mood!

Happy Sunday! Take advantage of this beautiful weather - get out and get active!! Taking your workout routine outside has great benefits.  By simply taking your workout OUT of the gym increases your calorie burn up to 5%.  Take your workout outdoors and increase your calorie burn by 7%. The increase in calories burned is because your body has to work harder to keep your body temperature at 98.6. The fluctuation of outdoor temperatures and terrain also help to increase calorie burning.  Also, outdoor workouts is natures Zoloft :)  According to a study done by English researchers, 71% of people who took a 30 minute walk outside felt less stressed when done where as  72% of people who walked in a gym felt MORE stressed!

More calories and a better mood? Sound like a win-win for outdoor workouts!  Have fun in the sun with the Cardio and Strength Training Circuit below...


At the track:

  1. Walk/Jog around the track for 5 to 10 minutes to warm up.
  2. On a straight away Mark off 20 feet and 50 feet (50 feet is about 17 yards)
  3. Start at the 20 mark and sprint as fast as you can to the 50 mark
  4. Jog backwards to your starting mark
  5. Go onto the grass or infield and do 25 to 50 crunches
  6. Repeat steps 3 & 4
  7. Go onto the grass or infield and do 10 pushups 
  8. Return to your 20 feet mark and forward lunge to the 50 mark and skip back to 20 feet mark (repeat this 2 times) 
  9. Bunny hop (two feet together and hop forward landing both feet at a time) from 20 feet mark to 50 feet mark - sprint back to start (repeat this 2 times)
  10. Squat from the 20 feet mark to the 50 feet mark (Step with left foot then squat, step with right foot then squat) - repeat this 2 times
  11. Walk around the track 3 times
  12. Repeat the whole circuit

Let me know how you feel after this workout!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Happy Friday!

Happy Friday!! What have you accomplished this week towards your overall fitness? 
Right it down and celebrate your accomplishments! 
Have a great 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Want Legs Like A Dancer?

Want lean and toned legs like a dancer? Try the PLIE SQUAT!

These squats work your inner thigh as well as your gluteus minimus (side of the butt)

  • Stand with legs wider than shoulder width with your toes turned out slightly. 
  • With your back straight, bend your knees to lower yourself until thighs are parallel with the floor (or as low as your flexibility will allow) while keeping your heels on the floor. 
  • Pause then slowly raise to your starting position. 

**Want to Take it Up a Notch?  Add weights to your hands.  You can hold them by your side the whole exercise or curl them as you raise back to the starting position.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Operation: Beach Body Week 2

I apologize for the late post.  I was having some difficulty with my Blogger account.

I hope everyone had a great week of Body Weight Squats and Calf Raises! This weeks exercises target the core.  So, after completing your squats and calf raises, do 25 of these two exercises. Let me know if you have any questions!

25 Bicycle Crunches
25 Seated V- Ups

Bicycle Crunches target your obliques (side abdominal muscles)


  • Lie flat on the floor with your hands behind your ears.
  • Raise your legs to be 6 inches off the ground and raise you shoulders so your arms make a wide "V"
  • Use your abs to bring your left elbow to your right knee and your right elbow to your left knee.
  • For more of a muscle burn, do these slowly.
  • To get some cardio during this exercise, do these faster.


**Experienced Bicycle Crunchers: Lower your legs to be 2 inches off the ground**


Seated V- Ups: target the rectus abdominis (six pack muscles), the transverse abdominis (muscles along side of stomach) and the quads


  • Start in a seated position with your hands on the floor behind, elbows bent with fingers pointing towards your body.
  • With your legs together,  lift them 2 inches off of the floor leaning back slightly
  • Squeeze your abs and pull your knees into your chest then extend them straight out without letting your feet touch the floor
  • Make sure to inhale while knees are at your chest and exhale while legs are extended


**Experienced V-Uppers:  Hold legs extended for a count of 5 before pulling the knees into your chest


Do one set of these 2 exercises every day along with the exercise from last week.  IF you are unable to finish all 25 of any of these exercises DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Do as many as you can and try again every day! You will be surprised how fast your body adjusts.  Don't forget to stretch a little before and after doing these and all exercises - this will cut down on muscle soreness.

I look forward to hearing about your progress throughout the week!

**All pictures found on Google

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Step Up Your Core Stregnth!

The "Stability Ball" is a staple piece of equipment that I use with ALL of my clients during our training sessions - no matter age, body type or athletic ability.  Doing exercises on the stability ball,  (also called the fitness ball or swiss ball) can intensify almost any exercise!  For example,  I use the ball instead of a workout bench for exercises like "Chest Flies" or  "Chest Presses" - by doing this my clients aren't only getting the benefit of the exercise but also in their core by having to balance and hold their bodies up.  A stability ball can be purchased at Target, Walmart etc...for a minimal amount of money but the benefits to your health and fitness goals are priceless!  These balls come in all different sizes and some can support up to 700 pounds.  For beginners, I would recommend a larger ball (75cm) which will be easier to balance yourself on.

There are a zillion different ways to use the ball but these are a few of my favorites....

Standard Crunch

  • Make sure to place the ball on the small of your back
  • Support your neck with your hands without pulling your neck
  • Let your abs do all the work!

Stability Ball Push-Up

  • Make sure to place the ball on your shins  with your legs slightly apart
  • Bend your arms at a 90 degree angle 
  • Don't forget to keep your stomach tight!

Stability Ball Lunge (with or without weights)

  • Make sure to start with your feet shoulder width apart and place the top of your foot on the ball
  • Drop your knee straight down towards the floor
  • Keep your back straight and stomach tight!

**All Pictures were found on Google**

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Operation: Beach Body! Are you in?

So.....the weather is getting warm and the time has come to finally get rid of all of those extra clothes.  Are you ready for that? Do you feel good about your body? We could ALL use some toning and strengthening.  OPERATION: Beach Body will do that for you!!

Operation: Beach Body will introduce two exercises a week that will target a part of the body. Exercises should be done daily! Each week we will build on the last week's exercises. By the end of the 6 weeks we will have completed a full body workout AND have the blueprint to a healthier new you! I guarantee that if you stick with this program for 6 weeks you will have more energy and renewed motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. WHO'S IN? 


25 Body Weight Squats 
25 Calf Raises  


Body Weight Squats target your quads, butt, hamstring and abs.

How To:

  • Start with feet shoulder width apart
  • Hold your arms straight out in front of you during the whole exercise (try not to let them bend)
  • Lower your body as low  you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees (hips should be far enough back so that your knees stay behind your toes)
  • Keep your back straight and all weight on your heels (quick check: you should be able to wiggle your toes at any point during the squat)
  • Pause with your knees bent for 3 seconds then raise back up to starting position


Beginners:  To ensure you are using proper form,  use a chair behind you during the squat. Your butt should brush the chair (try not to sit fully). 

Experienced Squatters:  Hold your arms straight up over your head. 


Calf Raises target your calf muscles (soleus and gastrocnemius)

How To:

  • Start by facing a wall (or back of a chair) for balance with feet shoulder width apart
  • With hands on wall or chair, raise your heels as high as you can until you are on your toes (all of your weight should be on the balls of your feet)
  • Hold this position for 3 seconds then lower the heels back to the ground

** Modifications**

Experienced Calf Raisers:  Stand on the edge of a step with heels hanging off of the step then raise up to your toes - please hold railing or wall for balance


Do one set of these 2 exercises every day. IF you are unable to finish all 25 of either of these exercises DON'T BE DISCOURAGED! Do as many as you can and try again every day! You will be surprised how fast your body adjusts.  Don't forget to stretch a little before and after doing these and all exercises - this will cut down on muscle soreness.

I look forward to hearing about your progress throughout the week!


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

10 Exercises for Sexy & Toned Legs!

IF you are interested in having toned, sexy legs...this workout is for you!  These exercises will have you ready for short shorts and sundresses in no time! No equipment or fancy gym necessary!  Do 2 sets of these 10 exercises, 3 days a week and watch the transformation! 

1.   10  Forward Lunges (works the quads, butt and hamstrings)
    • Make sure your back stays straight and you chest stays up. 

2.   10 Plie Jumps (works the inner thighs, quads and butt)
    • Make sure your feet stay turned out and only go down as far as your flexibility allows

3.   10 Reverse Lunges (works quads, butt, hamstring and hip flexors)
    • Make sure to keep your back straight and to step straight back to drop the knee.  Also make sure the front heel stays on the floor.

4.   10 Squats  (works quads, hamstrings and butt)
    • Make sure you sit your butt back like taking a seat to ensure you knees stay behind your toes. Also be sure to keep your back straight and chest up. 

5.   10 Side Lunges (works quads, glutes, obliques, calves and hamstrings)
    • Make sure you keep your chest up, back straight and abdominals tight - this will help with your balance. Also, pay attention to the knee of the lunging leg - you want it to bend in the same direction the toes are pointing - and to ensure the knees never goes over the toes.

6.   10 Glute KickBacks (works butt and hamstrings)
    • Make sure your back stays flat and parallel to the floor. When knee is up, try to push the heel towards the ceiling.

7.   10 Single Leg Bridges (works butt, hamstrings and abdominals)
    • Make sure to keep your abdominals tight and to not let your back sag. 

8.   10 Side Lying Leg Lifts (Works outer thigh, butt and hamstrings)
    • Make sure you keep your body in a straight line without rolling forward or slumping your shoulders forward. Also, only lift your leg as high as you flexibility will allow and don't let the foot touch the ground when coming down.
9.   10 Squats (2nd Set)
    • Try to hold the squat for 3 seconds before returning to a standing position

10.   10 x 10 Second Wall Sits (works quads, abdominals)
    • Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart and your abdominals are tight as you are holding your position

**For exercises done on one leg or side at a time - do 10 on each side or leg. 
**To make the standing exercises more difficult, hold dumbbells in your hands.