Sunday, September 9, 2012

I Want Abs Like Ennis!

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For the past few weeks I have been on a mission to get abs like an Olympic sprinter! I saw those women running in their sports bras and thought...I WANT THAT STOMACH! So since then I have been doing some serious core work 3 days a week and increased my cardio (running between 3 and 3.5 miles 6 days a week).  This may sound extreme to some but when I'm focused...I'm focused and I WANT THAT STOMACH!!  So here is my core program for the next 2 weeks.  As you will see,  these exercises not only work the core but the chest, back, and arms. I'm using a 20lb kettle bell but use the weight (or no weight at all) that is most comfortable for you but still challenging.  Let me know how these exercises work for you :)

3 sets of 25 reps

Needle and Thread
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Start with your arms over your head and legs straight out,  2 inches off of the ground. Pull the knees towards the head and through the arms while crunching forward and pushing weight towards feet. Straighten your legs keeping them off of the ground  and tapping the weight over your head and start the move over again.  

Rocking Chair Press

Start by sitting with your knees raised.  Lean back about 45 degrees and lift feet off of the ground and cross them.  Hold weight on your chest and press the weight over your head and bring back down to the chest - this is one rep.  Make sure to keep your stomach tight to keep your balance and legs from straightening out. 

Rocking Chair Twist
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Start by sitting with your knees raised.  Lean back about 45 degrees and lift feet off of the ground and cross them.  Hold the weight and twist your body side to side and tap the weight on the ground on each side of your body.   Make sure your head follows the weight and keep your stomach tight to help keep your balance and your legs from moving. NOTE: You should feel this on the sides and lower part of your stomach.  If you don't, make sure you are leaning back, he weight taps the ground (do not set the weight down) and your head turns with you.

Side Plank Weight Scoop

Start in a side plank making sure your elbow is under your shoulder.  Hold the weight in your bent arm and scoop the weight around your  body and under your arm.  Lift weight to return to the start position. 

**Pictures were taken at Tention Championship Karate at 652 E. Fordham Rd., Bronx, NY 10458

**Photographer: Tamia Bradley 

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